The proportions of silver and phosphorus in copper alloy solder wires play a decisive role on a number of important properties:
1. Melting Point and Operating Temperature: As the phosphorus content increases, the melting point and thus the operating temperature of copper-phosphorus solder wires generally decreases. This enables lower temperature brazing operations.
2. Flowing and Filling Ability: Silver provides excellent flowing properties over a wide temperature range. This ensures that the solder wire spreads evenly across the joining surfaces and that the filler material forms a complete and tight joint.
3. Joint Strength: Both silver and phosphorus increase the strength and hardness of solder wires. High silver or phosphorus content provides higher hardness and strength at the joint.
4. Corrosion Resistance: Silver increases the corrosion resistance of solder wires. High silver content provides higher corrosion resistance in the joint area.
Each of these factors greatly affects solder wire selection and the overall success of the brazing process. Choosing the right proportions is critical to an efficient and effective brazing process.
